Do You Need Tooth Contouring?
When you hear about “contouring,” what do you normally think? You might immediately think about plastic surgery, or even new trends in make-up application. It might seem bizarre, then, that Dr. Ku’s office is interested in this topic.
Fear not, you have not stumbled onto the wrong website! Contouring can also refer to a dental procedure that can erase imperfections in the mouth, whether in the gums or teeth. This is a minor cosmetic procedure that is also referred to as enameloplasty or tooth reshaping, and is an option for all patients—even those who are anxious about sitting in the dentist’s chair for any reason!

Some of our patients are also concerned that this procedure is purely cosmetic, and therefore reflects on their vanity. We don’t believe this is the case at all. While technically a cosmetic dental procedure, there are significant oral health benefits to ensuring your teeth are aligned and without nicks. If you are looking for a way to transform your smile without too much pain, keep reading to learn about the benefits of tooth contouring.
Why might you need tooth contouring?
Chipped teeth are one of the most common forms of dental injury. And while a chipped tooth might not cause much pain, and might not even be that noticeable, it can make you more vulnerable to additional chips or cracks in the tooth. In the most extreme cases, nerve damage can also occur.
Tooth contouring has the ability to even-out chipped teeth and prevent future damage. Another reason you might consider this cosmetic procedure is if the length of your teeth (particularly your canines) are uneven. You might have heard reference to “vampire-like” canine teeth. Those can make patients feel self-conscious about their smiles. Tooth reshaping can even the teeth out and make them less prominent.
Contouring can also improve overall dental health by removing crevices or overlaps between teeth where plaque or tartar tend to accumulate. Contouring is not recommended if your teeth have substantial imperfections, such as a major chip or deep fracture. Contouring is not a substitute for veneers or bonding; however, it is often used in combination with these procedures.
What is the procedure like?
Your dentist makes take an x-ray before “signing off” on the procedure to ensure the tooth is stable enough. If the enamel is too thin, it could be hazardous to the health of the tooth.
The reshaping procure is normally done with a sanding disc and fished off with a fine strip of sandpaper. Once shaped, your dentist will finish the process by polishing your tooth or teeth. Since contouring does not affect the pulp of the tooth, an anesthetic is not usually needed.
After the procedure is finished, your teeth are better matched in size and shape, giving a better overall appearance and making them seem less crowded. By removing just a small amount of tooth enamel, the dentist can improve your smile!
Is contouring for you?
If you are looking for a quick and painless way to boost your smile, then this might be a great procedure to try. Give our Fort Worth office a call today for a consultation with Dr. Ku!