Composite Resins

Dental composites are polymeric materials used in restorative dentistry as adhesives and filling materials. They are insoluble, easy to manipulate, and do not dehydrate. The term composite refers [...]


Dentin is one of the four principal materials forming the tooth: enamel, dentine, cementum and pulp. It encloses the pulp chamber of the tooth. On the crown end it is enclosed by the enamel and [...]


The word denture refers to a set of false teeth that are made to replace missing teeth and their surrounding tissues. Dentures are useful for restoring the chewing capability, speech, quality of [...]


The dental enamel is the outer-most covering of the visible portion of our teeth. It is the hardest tissue in the tooth as well as the human body, in addition to being quite brittle. It is white [...]


Twice daily tooth brushing is recommended by dentists. However, brushing is not sufficient to completely dislodge food remnants and plaque from areas not accessible by brush bristles. Dental [...]